أكواب الآيس كريم
1000 كوب للآيس كريم 120 مل (4 أونصة)Hotpack paper ice cream cups are perfect for serving a wide range of frozen desserts including ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato, and more. They are poly lined to prevent leaks and absorption and are made of a sturdy paper construction to retain shape. They are perfect adding on and will...
- From172.50 SR
210.00 SR- From172.50 SR
- Unit price
- per
1000 قطعة كوب آيس كريم ورقي بقاعدة بيضاء (قاعدة فقط)Hotpack paper white ice cream cups are perfect for serving a wide range of frozen desserts including ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato, and more. They are poly lined to prevent leaks and absorption and are made of a sturdy paper construction to retain shape. They are perfect adding on and...
- From172.50 SR
189.00 SR- From172.50 SR
- Unit price
- per
كوب ورقي للآيس كريم مطبوعأكواب الورق للآيس كريم من Hotpack مثالية لتقديم مجموعة واسعة من الحلويات المجمدة بما في ذلك الآيس كريم والزبادي المجمد والجيلاتو وغيرها. تحتوي على طبقة بولي لمنع التسرب والامتصاص ومصنوعة من ورق قوي للحفاظ على الشكل. مثالية للإضافة وستساعدك في إكمال مظهر حفلتك حيث...
- From112.70 SR
120.00 SR- From112.70 SR
- Unit price
- per
1000 وعاء آيس كريم 120 ملHotpack paper white ice cream cups are perfect for serving a wide range of frozen desserts including ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato, and more. They are poly lined to prevent leaks and absorption and are made of a sturdy paper construction to retain shape. They are perfect adding on and...
- 190.18 SR
220.00 SR- 190.18 SR
- Unit price
- per
1000 قطعة كوب آيس كريم ورقي بقاعدة بيضاء (قاعدة فقط)Hotpack paper white ice cream cups are perfect for serving a wide range of frozen desserts including ice cream, frozen yogurt, gelato, and more. They are poly lined to prevent leaks and absorption and are made of a sturdy paper construction to retain shape. They are perfect adding on and...
- From152.00 SR
0.00 SR- From152.00 SR
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- per
كوب ورد كبير 12 قطعةTrust your dessert service to this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 9.00 SR
10.35 SR- 9.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
1000 وعاء بلاستيكي أبيض - 8 أونصةهذه الوعاء الأبيض من Hotpack، المستوحى من نماذج قوية، مثالي لحفلات العائلة والعشاء وكذلك الاجتماعات الأخرى المصممة. على الرغم من تدفق الحافة العريضة، يجذب العملاء بشكل ماهر نحو هذا الوعاء، يوفر اللون الأبيض النظيف تمييزًا مثاليًا لعرض ملفت للنظر لأطعمتك الحية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك،...
- 127.65 SR
127.65 SR- 127.65 SR
- Unit price
- per
1000 كوب آيس كريم كرافت بنيأكواب الآيس كريم البنية من Hotpack هي واحدة من الأكواب الأنيقة والاقتصادية، هذه الكوب هي الحل المثالي للآيس كريم، ستمنحك مظهرًا راقيًا للآيس كريم اللذيذ. الأحجام المتوفرة ICB120K - كوب آيس كريم بني بحجم 4 أوقية 1000 قطعة ICB200K - كوب آيس كريم بني...
- From179.40 SR
233.22 SR- From179.40 SR
- Unit price
- per
وعاء على شكل ماسة 12 قطعةTrust your dessert service with this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties, and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 11.00 SR
12.65 SR- 11.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
تقديم كعكة دائرية 12 قطعةTrust your dessert service to this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 7.00 SR
8.05 SR- 7.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
كوب كرسي 8 قطعTrust your dessert service to this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 8.00 SR
9.20 SR- 8.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
وعاء كبير آيس كريم 4 مجموعاتTrust your dessert service to this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 16.00 SR
18.40 SR- 16.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
وعاء بيضاوي مع شوكة - 10 مجموعاتTrust your dessert service with this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties, and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 12.00 SR
13.80 SR- 12.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
10 حبات من أكواب الحلوى الثلاثيةثق بخدمة الحلوى الخاصة بك لهذه الكوب الحلوى من Hotpack لإضافة فاخرة وقابلة للتصرف للأحداث. هذا الكوب من الحلوى رائع للولائم وحفلات الاستقبال وحفلات العشاء والمنازل المفتوحة بعد خدمة العشاء. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمنحك طبيعته المرنة الراحة التي تحتاجها، مع المظهر المطلوب.الأبعاد (سم): 22*6.5*3.2الوزن...
- 12.00 SR
13.80 SR- 12.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
12 صحن مربع الشكل بمقاس 8 أونصةTrust your dessert service to this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 10.00 SR
11.50 SR- 10.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
كوب كبير تويست 12 قطعةTrust your dessert service to this Hotpack dessert cup for an upscale and disposable addition to the events. This cup of dessert is great for banquets, receptions, dinner parties and open houses after dinner service. Plus, its flexible nature gives you the comfort you...
- 10.00 SR
11.50 SR- 10.00 SR
- Unit price
- per
25 قطعة من الأوعية البلاستيكية البيضاء 12 أونصةThis White Hotpack Bowl, influenced by strong models, is ideal for family parties, dinner parties as well as other tailored gatherings. Although the cascading of the broad rim, expertly attract customers' eyes towards that bowl, the clean, white colour offers optimal distinction for an eye-catching...
- 105.80 SR
5.00 SR- 105.80 SR
- Unit price
- per
25 قطعة من الأوعية البلاستيكية البيضاء 8 أونصةThis White Hotpack Bowl, influenced by strong models, is ideal for family parties, dinner parties as well as other tailored gatherings. Although the cascading of the broad rim, expertly attract customers' eyes towards that bowl, the clean, white colour offers optimal distinction for an eye-catching...
- 149.50 SR
3.74 SR- 149.50 SR
- Unit price
- per