أطباق الألمنيوم – hotpack.com.sa
Aluminum Platters Combo Offer Pack
350.18 SR 318.55 SR
Aluminum Platters Combo Offer Pack
Pre-packed Combo includes:  6586    5 Pieces 65180  5 Pieces Hotpack Aluminum platters are disposable and can be used to serve food. Platters made of aluminium foil keep in the heat, act as a freshness barrier to moisture and oxygen and can...
350.18 SR 318.55 SR
10 أطباق ألومنيوم 14 انش فضي
12.65 SR 11.00 SR
10 أطباق ألومنيوم 14 انش فضي
Hotpack Aluminium platters are disposable and can be used to serve food . Platters made of aluminium foil keep in heat, act as a freshness barrier to moisture and oxygen and can be recycled.Our platters are made of heavy duty...
12.65 SR 11.00 SR
5 أطباق الومنيوم 17 انش بلون فضي
12.65 SR 11.00 SR
5 أطباق الومنيوم 17 انش بلون فضي
Hotpack Aluminium platters are disposable and can be used to serve food . Platters made of aluminium foil keep in heat, act as a freshness barrier to moisture and oxygen and can be recycled.Our platters are made of heavy duty...
12.65 SR 11.00 SR
50 قطعة طبق ألومنيوم بيضاوي 22 بوصة
185.15 SR 161.00 SR
50 قطعة طبق ألومنيوم بيضاوي 22 بوصة
Make a memorable day every day. Keep extra supplies on hand for the last minute parties and get together with friends and family. All-purpose aluminum and an effective conveyor solution. Please, Stock up today!
185.15 SR 161.00 SR


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هيكل مقاوم للبهتان يقاوم التقاط البقع ، مما يسهل عملية التنظيف

الجودة العالية والتصميم المعاصر تجعلنا من الشركات الرائدة في تقديم منتجات الألمنيوم.

الآن قم بشراء أطباق الألمنيوم عبر الإنترنت. احتفل بطعامك.

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